Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

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lagu cinta

[9/10/2010] Kubota Toshinobu – LA?LA?LA LOVE SONG

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 02:39 PM PDT

[9/10/2010] Kubota Toshinobu – LA?LA?LA LOVE SONG

Kubota Toshinobu – LA?LA?LA LOVE SONG

Two In Love

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 02:39 PM PDT

Two In Love

Gus and Essie happy together
Frank Sinatra › Two In Love

Two in love can face the world together,
Hearts that cuddle up will muddle through,
The world may rock and rumble,
Crowds may groan and grumble,
Thrones may even tumble too,
Darling, two in love can face the stormy weather,
Laugh aloud at every cloud above,
And so well show them all what love can do,
For you and I are two in love.

How Do Men Fall In Love – I Will Surprise You

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 02:36 PM PDT

How Do Men Fall In Love – I Will Surprise You

Women get left all the time by men. The last words they hear. “I am not eager for a relationship”, or else “It’s not you, it’s me”. Weeks, or months go by and you suddenly hear he is in a relationship or even engaged to another.. Wow, what just happened? Does she have something that you don’t have?

The next phrase rings awfully true. Men fall in love with your absence. This is so very true. In order for a man to fall in love, he has to think about you, a lot. If you are with him every free moment, he is having a good time I am sure, but he isn’t really thinking about you.

By thinking about you, I mean as in longing. He longs to be with you. He remembers the time you had together over and over in his mind. He can’t long to be with you unless you are absent at times. Has a man ever said to you, ” I can not stop thinking about you”. If you have, I bet he said it via the phone when you weren’t in his company. This is the start of a man feeling an emotional attraction for you.

If you are dating a man and you are giving him most or all of your spare time, if you are constantly waiting by the phone or changing plans for him, you might want to rethink this. While this may work at the startor it seems, it isn’t what makes a man to fall in love with you. It doesn’t move him towards commitmentWhat causes a man fall in love is the emotional attraction he feels for you. For this attraction to grow, you have to offer up a little resistance. He needs time to miss you, think about you, call to mind memories. These are the things that play on his emotions, because face it, men aren’t emotional by nature.

We often propel into the future, imagining ourselves with this guy, men don’t do this. It’s a truth, they just will not. You need to activate his imagination to go to work for you and you don’t do thisby being up his behind every minute you can. You do this by not being with him every minute you can. Let him wonder what you are doing when you aren’t with him, even if you are just washing your hair. This is where love starts for a man, in his imagination.

What this does is activate his hunter instinct. Men love the thrill of the chase. They love competition, even if he is just competing with your girlfriends. They start to focus on trying to make you fall in love with them, what happens is, they fall in love with you. Men rarely fall in love with the woman who offered up no resistance. She is the one they sooner or later leave for another.

So this being said, when you are dating, it is important to not place your stuff at his place. Do not see him daily. Once or twice a week is enough. Do not act like his girlfriend until he has shown you he is willing to invest into your happiness. Have a life outside of his and be excited about it. This is what attracts a man and makes him fall in love.

articlesbase.com | How Do Men Fall In Love – I Will Surprise You


Posted: 01 Jun 2011 02:43 AM PDT


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Sara Bareilles – Love Song Long Version.avi

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 02:40 AM PDT

Sara Bareilles – Love Song Long Version.avi

Sara Bareilles gibt Einblick in ihre Musik und singt den Song “Love Song”. Auf ihren Webseiten gibt es mehr grossartige Musik und auch Infos zur neuesten Single: www.sarabmusic.com oder www.myspace.com – neue Pop CDs aus aller Welt findest Du auf www.music-newsletter.de ### Sara Bareilles talks about her music and performs the songs “Love Song” – Check out her websites for her great music: www.sarabmusic.com or www.myspace.com – for new pop cds from all over the world check out www.music-newsletter.de

And the sun will rise tomorrow

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 02:38 AM PDT

And the sun will rise tomorrow
love quote

Idaho Falls Sunset 2008

Fall in Love Poems

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 02:36 AM PDT

Fall in Love Poems

When anyone falls in love he/she tries to express his/her feelings to the other partner and usually they express themselves in form of poems. People who are looking way to impress their girlfriends and boyfriends choose the love poems very carefully. But remember not everyone is gifted with the talent of expressing feeling in words and poetry.


You need to know about various steps that are required in writing a poem for falling in love. Initially you should know the way of expressing the feelings of love. Since poetry is a deep and effective art of expressing therefore it needs extreme care and careful selection of words. You must write precisely and avoid any other extra details. If you can not write such fall in love poem or you can get one from internet that suits your emotions.


The love poems especially falling in love means a lot to the other partner in terms of emotions and love. The poem must reflect the special bond between the two and a hidden message in the words. You can read various love poems before selecting one for your partner. It is the useful source of expressing feelings of both man and woman.

Once are sure that the specific poem can best describe the feelings of your love you can opt for it. it is time consuming process but it will definitely offer you the most finest fall in love poem. You have choices for selecting poems of William Shakespeare and Rumi, Elizabeth Barret Browning. Most of the people like reading and selecting love poems written by William Shakespeare because of the reason that every poem written by him is written in form of verses.

There are hundreds of fall in love poems that can touch the heart of loved ones. All you need is to find such a poem and gift it to him/her and poetry can do its magic. When a man expresses his feelings to a woman he can express best by saying a poem. Same is the case with woman they can also choose a poem and express their falling in love with man. If you want to write a poem then choose easy words and try to be as natural as you can. Narrate how you met wit your girlfriend or boyfriend and what you felt at that time.


articlesbase.com | Fall in Love Poems

Cintakah Dia pada Anda? Kenali Bahasa Tubuhnya

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 12:33 AM PDT

Cintakah Dia pada Anda? Kenali Bahasa Tubuhnya. SUNGGUH membahagiakan ketika tahu si dia yang didamba juga menyambut cinta Anda. Namun kalau sebaliknya si dia tak jua menunjukkan bentuk cinta, Anda harus menyelidikinya.

Pria lebih memilih menggunakan komunikasi nonverbal untuk menyampaikan sebuah pesan. Nah untuk mengetahui isi hatinya, simak ulasan pakar hubungan Bree Maresca Kramer soal bahasa tubuh yang dibuat pria ketika jatuh pada seorang wanita, seperti diulas StyleCaster.

Jika si dia menyukai Anda:

- Dia akan memberikan Anda sorotan mata tajam ketika pertama kali bertemu Anda. Lalu ketika Anda berbicara, ia akan menunjukkan rasa antusiasme pada apa yang Anda katakan.

- Dia akan mencoba untuk menarik perhatian Anda. Dia akan menggunakan isyarat atau gerakan yang tidak disadari dengan sedikit memisahkan diri dari teman-temannya, berharap bisa bicara dengan Anda secara personal.

- Dia akan duduk di tepi tempat duduknya untuk lebih dekat secara fisik dengan Anda.

Jika si dia tidak tertarik:

- Jika ia tidak akan sering melakukan kontak mata dan melihat sekitarnya ketika Anda berbicara.

- Dia tidak akan mencoba untuk menyentuh Anda dan duduk sejauh mungkin dari Anda. Jika Anda berdua menonton film di bioskop, misalnya, dia tidak akan mencoba untuk mengapit lengan Anda.

- Jika bahunya mengarah ke wajah Anda selama percakapan, maka ia tidak tertarik dengan Anda.

- Ketika seorang pria menyukai seorang wanita, ia akan menghadapkan wajahnya dengan wanita yang ia sukai.

Jika si dia hanya ingin menjadikan Anda teman:

- Dia tidak akan menanggapi "flirting" Anda, bahkan jika Anda melakukannya sangat vulgar dan seronok. Dia akan mengabaikannya dan terus menjauh dari Anda.

- Dia akan menjaga sikap tubuhnya yang kaku sebagai tanda tidak tertarik, bukan sikap yang hangat dan lembut.

- Dia akan membantu Anda bak seorang ksatria, tapi tanpa isyarat romantis. Ia hanya bertindak sebagai kakak dan teman, tidak lebih.

okezone.com Cintakah Dia pada Anda? Kenali Bahasa Tubuhnya

5 Jurus Bikin Cinta si Dia Tak Redup

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 12:31 AM PDT

5 Jurus Bikin Cinta si Dia Tak Redup. PAKAR hubungan mengatakan bahwa wanita juara dalam kemampuan mempertahankan suasana misterius dalam cerita romansa mereka. Yang membahagiakan, pria ternyata mencintai wanita yang menyajikan sedikit tantangan dalam cinta.

Ladies, tidak perlu merasa bersalah kalau karena hubungan sudah berjalan sekian lama, spontanitas Anda kepadanya semakin redup. Yang Anda perlukan adalah menghidupkan kembali sisi misteri dalam cinta. Berikut triknya, seperti dilansir Yahoo.

Tunjukkan bakat dan minat Anda sedikit demi sedikit

Bila kekasih baru bertanya soal hobi Anda, cukup sebutkan satu atau dua aktivitas. Toh, di awal hubungan, dia hanya sedang berusaha mengenal Anda, bukan untuk mengisi profil diri Anda (meskipun kadang-kadang seperti itu). Tunjukkan kembali minat Anda yang lain setelah cukup mengenalnya. Jadi, dia akan menangkap sisi misterius hubungan, sejalan dengan pertemuan yang semakin intens.

Ubah gaya penampilan atau rambut Anda

Bereksperimen dengan gaya berbeda adalah sesuatu yang harus dilakukan semua wanita, apakah sedang melajang atau sudah punya kekasih. Melihat diri Anda dalam cara yang berbeda akan membuatnya makin terkesima. Apa yang akan benar-benar pria perhatikan adalah sesuatu yang mengejutkannya. Jadi, ubah gaya penampilan Anda sekarang, kemudian tunjukkan rasa percaya diri.

Bersikap bijak

Kecenderungan wanita untuk gosip sudah dimaklumi pria. Seberapa baik Anda menjaga rahasia juga merupakan kualitas yang menarik di mata pria. Mereka tidak hanya mencintai wanita yang bisa dipercaya, tapi juga bagaimana wanita menjaga rahasia milik orang lain. Jadi, bersikaplah bijak atas segala rahasia yang Anda pegang.

Abaikan cerita terlalu remeh dan rinci

Anda melewati hari menyebalkan di tempat kerja dan benar-benar butuh tempat "curhat". Anda akan memilih kekasih hati bukan? Namun, hubungan akan cepat membosankan bila banyak cerita—termasuk yang sangat remeh dan rinci—Anda sampaikan kepadanya.

Bukan berarti dia tidak tertarik pada hidup Anda. Terdapat lebih banyak cara kreatif untuk berbagi cerita. Jadi, biarkan telinga si dia beristirahat untuk mendengarkan isi hati Anda.

Simpan busana memukau untuk nanti

Anda ingin memamerkan penampilan terbaik sejak kencan pertama dengan si dia. Ini adalah hal yang alami pada orang jatuh cinta. Tapi, semakin biasa Anda menampilkan diri di awal, semakin mudah dia mengenal Anda karena tidak menggunakan "topeng penampilan". Biarkan dia bertanya-tanya kejutan apa yang akan Anda berikan, misalnya Anda mengenakan gaun saat makan malam bersama keluarganya.

okezone.com 5 Jurus Bikin Cinta si Dia Tak Redup

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