Senin, 30 Mei 2011

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Celine Dion – I Love You

Posted: 30 May 2011 02:41 PM PDT

Celine Dion – I Love You

this is the very best love song ever made !!!!: Sony Music Entertainment Content Type: Sound Recording ( NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED )

Love conquers Darkness

Posted: 30 May 2011 02:41 PM PDT

Love conquers Darkness
love quote

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

Martin Luther King, Jr.


Thank you all for the comments and favs. I enjoyed your response about wearing converse especially wearing an imitating converse =). Classic shoes are still the best.

Tommorow, I'm doing a beautification tomorrow and so I'm mostly likely going to be painting and stuff. It's always good to give your time to the community simply by just to helping out. After that I'm going dolphin watching with my church…wooo hooo I'm excited about that one. I have seen some dolphins from the distant but never up close. My goal is to touch them or ride them….lol—if not, well looks like I'm just going to take pictures so I'm charging my battery.

I simply admire this man; he changed the nation by his dreams. It really shows that anyone can make a difference if you believe in yourself and keep doing it. This month, my work is going to do a motorcade to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. I hope people will appreciate what he had done.

BTW, I love this quote =)
Give me a moment to stream at your photos….have a good day everyone =)

Will You Make Her Fall In Love? Questions You Need To Ask Yourself

Posted: 30 May 2011 02:41 PM PDT

Will You Make Her Fall In Love? Questions You Need To Ask Yourself

When you feel as though you want to make a woman fall in love with you, then you are going to have to ask yourself some really important questions. When you ask these questions and then find out what the answers are, then you can have a much clearer path to your goal of making her fall in love. A lot of guys kind of give up too soon and NEVER really learn what it takes to make a woman fall in love.

Your desire to make a woman fall for you has to be able to lead you to figuring out what it is that attracts a woman and what YOU can do to trigger female attraction. Unless you want to end up alone on the weekends, then you have to be able to find out what she responds to and you have to know what you are really looking for in a woman.

Here are 4 VERY important questions to ask yourself if you want to make her fall in love:

1. Are you ready to approach a woman and not have any fears at all? If you allow the fear of rejection or the fear of looking like a fool keep you from approaching a woman, then this is an area that you MUST handle right away. If you don’t, then what are you going to do when you spot that woman that you REALLY can not get out of your mind? You have to be able to approach a woman and not let anything hold you back.

2. Do you know how to flirt with her the RIGHT way? The way that most guys flirt with a woman does very little to build any real attraction with a woman. If you flirt with a woman, and you are not doing anything at all to create attraction with her and then escalate that attraction, then you are not going to be able to be in a position to make her fall in love.

3. Do you know how to create sexual attraction with women? Most guys can create nice little friendships with women, but they are not able to make it go any further at all. Without sexual attraction, you might be able to make her love you as a friend, but that is NOT the same thing as making her fall in love. The sexual attraction with her has to be there.

4. Are you willing to discover female attraction secrets that you might not know? You have to be able to keep yourself open to the fact and the idea that there are female attraction secrets that you might not be aware of that will help you to make her fall in love. To make a woman fall in love, then you have to be able to really become aware of what it takes to win her affection.

Want to learn more *advanced* tips on how to make her love YOU?

Go to: Female Attraction Secrets and GRAB Your FREE Report right away…

Copyright © 2010 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved. | Will You Make Her Fall In Love? Questions You Need To Ask Yourself

Tiga Cara Menjaga Cinta Pria

Posted: 30 May 2011 09:59 AM PDT

Tiga Cara Menjaga Cinta Pria. Saat jatuh cinta pada seseorang, tanpa sadar kita mulai mengubah sifat asli kita. Mengapa? Karena kita ingin terlihat lebih baik, lebih cantik, atau lebih cerdas. Harapannya, si dia juga akan jatuh cinta pada Anda.

Berusaha memenuhi keinginan seorang pria rasanya merupakan suatu hal yang wajar dilakukan. Namun, hal ini tidak lantas selalu membuat pria merasakan hal yang sama dengan Anda. Ia mungkin akan merasa senang ketika Anda menyusun rencana kencan, menawarkan nasihat-nasihat tanpa diminta, menghujaninya dengan hadiah-hadiah, atau segera berlari ke sisinya ketika ia sedang dalam masalah.

Tetapi, bila dilakukan secara berlebihan, lama-kelamaan hal itu akan membuatnya memandang Anda sebagai teman biasa. Yang terparah, ia justru merasa terganggu dengan segala bentuk perhatian Anda itu.

Rory Raye, penulis e-book Have the Relationship You Want, mengatakan, setidaknya ada tiga hal yang harus Anda hindari untuk bisa membuat seorang pria jatuh cinta seutuhnya pada Anda.

1. Jangan memberi lebih banyak daripada yang diberikannya untuk Anda
Pria yang semula menggebu akan menjadi turn off ketika ia mendapat lebih banyak dari Anda daripada yang ia berikan untuk Anda. Pemberian ini bisa dalam bentuk perhatian (telepon atau SMS yang bertubi-tubi untuk mengetahui keberadaannya), kasih sayang, hadiah-hadiah, keinginan Anda untuk selalu menemuinya, dan banyak lagi. Hal itu akan membuat pria merasa Anda bertindak seperti seorang ibu, bukannya memicu hasrat emosionalnya untuk Anda. Bila perlu, ketika sedang dalam masa penjajakan Anda tak perlu membayar sendiri “ongkos” kencan Anda. Bayar sendiri-sendiri atau membayar semua ongkos tersebut hanya membuat Anda bertindak seperti teman biasa untuknya.

2. Jangan memberikan sesuatu secara “eksklusif” bila ia belum berkomitmen
Saat ini, Anda dan dia boleh saja sedang jatuh cinta berat. Tetapi sebelum Anda merasa bahwa dia mampu berkomitmen untuk masa depan Anda berdua, sebaiknya Anda menahan diri Anda. Ketika Anda telah menyerahkan segala sesuatu padanya, entah itu keperawanan atau semua masalah pribadi Anda, Anda akan menjadi sangat bergantung padanya. Anda akan dilanda ketakutan bahwa ia akan meninggalkan Anda setelah Anda menyerahkan semua yang Anda miliki. Dan semakin Anda mengkhawatirkannya, semakin ia akan menjauh. Jadi daripada memberinya ultimatum untuk segera melamar, coba bertemanlah dengan pria-pria baru. Dengan demikian Anda mampu menjaga kontrol diri, dan ia pun akan lebih berusaha untuk mendapatkan Anda.

3. Jangan merencanakan kencan
Karena Anda tidak yakin bahwa ia menaruh cukup banyak perhatian pada Anda, atau cukup berani untuk membawa Anda kencan, Anda lalu menyusun rencana kencan bersamanya. Anda justru tak akan tahu bagaimana kesungguhan seorang pria sampai Anda melihatnya melakukan sesuatu. Bila si dia tidak melakukan sesuatu, itu juga merupakan sebuah petunjuk, lho!

Begitu Anda mampu menghadapi batasan-batasan dan perasaan Anda, Anda akan membiarkan si dia menjadi dirinya sendiri. Setelah itu, Anda akan mampu menentukan apakah Anda ingin terus bersamanya atau tidak. Sikap seperti ini akan mengubah citra Anda, sehingga si dia akan rela melawan rintangan agar bisa bersama Anda. Pria akan jatuh cinta pada wanita yang menghargai seorang pria tanpa mencoba mengisi kekosongan untuknya. Tiga Cara Menjaga Cinta Pria

Jangan Mudah Bilang Cinta!

Posted: 30 May 2011 09:57 AM PDT

Sebenarnya tak salah kok bila Anda ingin mengungkapkan perasaan lewat kalimat ‘i love you’, namun bila kata-kata ajaib ini terlalu mudah dan sering dikatakan khasiatnya berkurang lho…

Ibaratkan saja kalimat tersebut sebagai bom, yang harus dijatuhkan di sasaran dan waktu yang tepat agar dapat sukses meruntuhkan musuh. Bayangkan bila bom ini dijatuhkan asal, bukan pada sasaran yang tepat dan timingnya tidak pas. Yang terjadi adalah bom tidak mengenai sasaran, semua rencana Anda gagal, dan musuh mengalahkan Anda.

Tentu saja kita tidak menganggap kekasih adalah musuh. Namun, untuk lebih mudahnya, mari mengibaratkannya sebentar sebagai ‘musuh’ yang Anda cintai.

Baiklah, kembali pada perumpamaan bom. Sebagai pejuang cinta, tentunya Anda ingin agar bom jatuh tepat sasaran kan?

Inilah yang akan Anda lakukan…

Poin 1 Jangan mudah mengucapkan cinta terutama di awal-awal Anda berpacaran. Tak perlu takut ia akan ragu kepada Anda, karena ucapan ‘I love you’ adalah tentang sebuah perasaan, bukan kebiasaan.

Poin 2 Bisikkan ‘I love you’ di momen-momen yang tepat, bukan diumbar di Facebook, Twitter atau media sosial lainnya.

Poin 3 Bagi yang sudah menikah, ‘I love you’ setelah berhubungan intim adalah sebuah kalimat yang sangat bermakna dan dalam.

Poin 4 ‘I love you’ akan melunturkan amarah dan emosi saat perbedaan pendapat memanas.

Dan bom akan jatuh tepat pada sasaran. Musuh Anda kali ini dapat dikalahkan, telak! Agata Yunita Jangan Mudah Bilang Cinta!

Crush On Obama

Posted: 30 May 2011 02:40 AM PDT

Crush On Obama

The song that changed the world! This video was named by Newsweek a top 10 meme of decade and the Webby’s a top internet moment of all time. Obama Girl videos have been viewed over 120 million times… subscribe for more! Click here to subscribe! Created by: Ben Relles Starring: Amber Lee Ettinger Vocals: Leah Kauffman MORE BARELY POLITICAL: Follow us on Twitter Check out our websites http Friend us on Facebook & Myspace Leave us a voicemail 1-(646)-827-2202

Andy loves this Wallpaper.

Posted: 30 May 2011 02:38 AM PDT

Andy loves this Wallpaper.
love wallpaper

Andy loves this Wallpaper.

Make A Guy Fall In Love: Best Advice

Posted: 30 May 2011 02:36 AM PDT

Make A Guy Fall In Love: Best Advice

How do you ever capture the heart of a guy? Better yet, make a guy fall in love with you. In a world full of mediocre advises, a woman may feel neutral in reading on different articles regarding love, but the advice below could change your heart-stung perception of this.

Before rushing to the subject of “making a guy fall in love with you,” a woman has to put in mind what guys are regarding love; the nature of these androgen filled species when the topic of love is sprung up. For most guys, love and lust may occur to be similar things, or even the same thing. However, lust and love are usually more distinct from each other on a woman’s standpoint – women are more emotional, whereas men are more physical in nature. This point out that women falling in love with men are not the same as men falling in love with women.

If you think about it, women could make an easier job of making a guy fall in love if love and lust is the same thing. Women could easily make a guy fall in love with her by getting into a sexy outfit, doing a sensual dance, or wearing something revealing. When all of this is set and done, it would be an easy an easy ticket for women to get these men into bed. In reality, getting a man in bed is not a road or a passage into a man’s heart. Even though men are naturally physical, there is something more that can take old of a man’s heart.

Being physical in nature, men’s physical characteristics suppress deep lingered emotions. Women have to reveal the emotional side of guys to make him fall in love. The woman to reveal the sweet tender emotions locked in every guy could just be you. Let him freely open up to you. Use your charms and unique personality to get his attention. How this process happens primarily depends on the basis of trust; a guy has to trust you so he can open up his deep-seated feelings to you. Talk about interests. Be a person to lean to – who is approachable and caring. These are only some ingredients into making the ultimate love potion.

Keep in mind: guys do not hurry to take the next step in a relationship. How fast the relationship develops more so relies on guys. Being in love with him, or having thought that he is feeling the same thing may not mean that you are at the same state. Don’t be the initiator that makes the relationship move forward. Do not put pressure on him as he may fall off from his state of “falling in love.” Be at the same speed as he going into the relationship. | Make A Guy Fall In Love: Best Advice

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